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  • jolie655

What is Cruising?

Almost without exception, everyone we've met on the rally is unique and very interesting and entertaining in his/her own way. Bonaire has been wonderful, not only what the island offers, but also in the way we've had time to hang out with other boat owners' and their crew as we've been docked at the marina. We've developed the enjoyable evening routine of meeting on each other's boats for Happy Hour, where we chat about our day's adventures, boat woes, plans for the next voyage and simply learning about one another's lives and views on yachting. Yesterday, Glen from JaZoFi, commented, "Cruising is simply boat maintenance in exotic places." Ha! There's so much truth in that!

Tomorrow we set sail for San Blas Islands, where we'll anchor in gorgeous, remote places and work on our boat....


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Jan 28

Enjoying reading about your adventure.

Jan 29
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Thanks Mom!

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